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Learn different crafts in a relaxed atmosphere in my craft workshops


Contact Me

For more information, contact me at 07508675581 or email me at

Terms and Conditions

Please note that I'm unable to offer refunds due to covering costs. Sorry for any inconvenience.

S13 Create, Craft, Knit & Natter  in Woodhouse, Sheffield

Normally 3rd Saturday of every month

Next Date 15th February 2025

See full list of dates for 2025

on the link  

Click on picture for more info  

Create, Craft, Knit & Natter in Sheffield
Craft Workshops in Sheffield

S13 My Time  Craft Workshops
for more info click on Top picure

Please Note: that all my workshops are for adults only

Refreshments are provided, and booking is essential as spaces are limited.

All Workshops in the Woodhouse, Sheffield S13


Contact me to arrange a date 

Workshops at the 
Crafty Cat, Hillsborough, Sheffield 

Click the picture for more info 

Crafty Cat 6.jpg

Scrapbooking Workshop

No Workshops Currently Planned 

These days, we tend not to print our photographs. They may be stored on a memory stick or in a cloud somewhere from tablets/phones etc.

Although there's nothing better than sitting down, relaxing, and physically looking at a photograph album, don't just put them in a normal photo album. Make your own individual scrapbook/photo album. It may be photos of your family, new baby, wedding, pets, family tree, or from your favourite holiday—whatever you want. All you need to do is decide on what kind of album you want and print your photos to bring to workshop.

Make a scrapbook for yourself or for someone special.

(These are Adult Only Workshops)

Included in the cost is a 12 x 12 scrapbook with a variety of backing papers and embellishments. Refreshments & biscuits are also included.

 All you need to bring are your own photographs

Scrapbooking workshops

Tips for Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking workshops
  • Make your scrapbook interesting.

  • Tell a story funny or not.

  • Mention who is in the picture and where they are in the photo.

  • Add something memorable from a holiday (concert tickets, leaflets from various places etc.)

  • Add congratulation cards for a new baby, anything from a baby shower etc.

  • Add samples of wedding stationery to a wedding album.

  • Add something that reminds you of your pet.

  • Add any newspaper cutting you have found to a family tree album.

  • It doesn't matter what you include, as long as things are flat so that the book can be closed properly.

Book Folding Workshops

Book Folding Workshop

No Workshops currently planned 

If you have a lot of books that are just catching dust on your bookshelves, why not make something nice out of them? Learn how to create something different with books through this workshop. I will explain and demonstrate how to create a normal reading book into a word, as shown in the photo above 

This will allow you to make a personalised gift for someone or unique décor for your home. It doesn't matter if you are not very creative—have a go! All you need to bring is yourself.

Contact Me 

If you live in or around the Sheffield Area & want to Join my Craft Workshop Mailing List or want more information on certain craft workshops  

Please fill in this form 


Email Address*

Do you want to subscribe to my Craft Workshop Mailing List*


Tel: 07508675581 

(please leave a message If I'm unavailable)

Crafty Chez

Based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire  

Delivery : UK Only 

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